Blog Archives

The most recent posts can be found here, but there are so many more to read! Scroll away, friend.

Blog Archives

The most recent posts can be found here, but there are so many more to read! Scroll away, friend.

All older posts:

How to end a friendship respectfully

How to end a friendship respectfully

I knew the friendship had run its course—yet, the shared history and guilt over closing the doors kept me feeling chained to this unhealthy friendship. For years I wanted to sneak out of the friendship quietly but my conscious wouldn’t allow me to just disappear from...

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Reconciling a Friend’s Betrayal

Reconciling a Friend’s Betrayal

“Oh, you didn’t hear?” “Hear what?” My husband and I asked our then, trusted companion. We were sitting in our living room, crunching on snacks while watching football. We thought it was a normal Saturday afternoon but, later remember it as an ambush. Our friend...

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The Science Behind Coffee Dates

The Science Behind Coffee Dates

“Let’s grab coffee?” you ask. “I’m more of a tea girl, but absolutely,” I respond. Coffee dates are a tale as old as friendship time. They’re perfect for their casual, treat-inspired friend time. Yet, there is something more going on when we sit down to talk with...

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three guidelines for friendlier mom circles

three guidelines for friendlier mom circles

No matter how long I’ve been a mom, I still get intimidated by new mom circles. Just recently, my oldest started kindergarten and I agreed to attend a new family meetup. This was an opportunity for families to get to know one another before the school year started. It...

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How to prioritize friendship as a mom

How to prioritize friendship as a mom

A serious conundrum every mom faces –how do I make time for friends, experience quality connection and keep my sanity all at the same time? I know many will say, “invite people into the mess, be flexible with your kiddos, etc,” which are not bad thoughts. But as a mom...

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June 2021 Book Favorites for You

June 2021 Book Favorites for You

Your June 2021 book recap is... ...filled with a lot of five-star reads. Truly, the good reading keeps on coming this summer. All of these books were binge-read in a couple of days because I could not put them down. Great stories, even better characters. Hope you find...

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How to become a person who brings people together

How to become a person who brings people together

Many of us are nervous hosts. There are a lot of details to consider when bringing people together for a celebration, a dinner, or “just because” you want to spend time with others. Yet, I think most of our nerves could be settled with one simple truth: Just because...

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May 2021 Book Favorites for You

May 2021 Book Favorites for You

May 2021 book favorites - I only highlight the best for you 🙂 . You’ll notice a theme of dark mysteries and a fun young adult novel. The Guardians by John Grisham (Mystery/Crime Thriller) This is my first Grisham book, and I will be picking up many more. The...

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April 2021 Book Favorites for You

April 2021 Book Favorites for You

Recommending books may be my love language! So, I decided to create a monthly blog that recounts some of my favorite books. My hope is that you will find something you can pick up and get lost in. Here is my April 2021 favorite books recap just for you, my fellow book...

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How to walk through a Friendship Breakup

How to walk through a Friendship Breakup

Don’t allow a friendship breakup to catch you off guard. Instead of being surprised—let’s be prepared. Two imperfect people in a relationship breeds conflict and sometimes it gets so big you can’t come back from it. Sometimes boundaries are crossed, and you have to...

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Do best friends exist in adulthood?

Do best friends exist in adulthood?

As a young girl on the playground, it was a wise decision to name a best friend—you needed someone you could count on to cheer you on as you brave the monkey bars. It was also very fickle. I remember receiving a note when I was out of school sick for a few days from...

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3 signs you may be in a toxic friendship

3 signs you may be in a toxic friendship

Friendships are never neutral. Either you are experiencing a friendship that fills you up or leaves you empty. Friends either cheer you on or hold you back. They can point you in the right direction or mislead you down a different path. Have you heard the phrase, "you...

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Bailey’s 25 Best Books of 2020

Bailey’s 25 Best Books of 2020

In 2020, I read 145 books--clearly the quarantine did not slow me down. My goal in 2020 was to read all sorts of genres so you are going to see foodie memoirs, thrillers, and sci-fi epics. You'll also see my favorite Christian nonfiction, romance and detective series...

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How to love your neighbor and not be awkward

How to love your neighbor and not be awkward

My son and I were standing on our neighbor’s porch, waiting for her to answer the door after my son had rung the bell one too many times. We were going to rebuild our garage and needed her to sign off on it so there would be no surprises when a construction truck...

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How to navigate the shame of losing a friend

How to navigate the shame of losing a friend

Could I have done something differently? What if I would have just kept my mouth shut and not shared my criticisms? Did I do something wrong? Why did she just stop answering my messages? Losing a friend, no matter the circumstance, can bring on feelings of shame. I...

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A Friendship Coach in Your Corner

A Friendship Coach in Your Corner

A lot of people struggle to navigate friendship, but you don’t have to. With a Masters in Leadership from Denver Seminary and years of studying/teaching on gospel-centered friendship, I am offering coaching to help you create meaningful and lasting friendship....

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5 Binge-Worthy Audiobooks To Listen to Right Now

5 Binge-Worthy Audiobooks To Listen to Right Now

Is your library shut down like ours? As an avid book reader, I panicked just a tiny bit! But then I remembered I had so many resources at my fingertips: Free Little Libraries (find your nearest one by clicking) Borrow books from friends Amazon and of course AUDIOBOOKS...

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Three Simple Tips to Avoid the Holiday Stress

Three Simple Tips to Avoid the Holiday Stress

'Tis the season to be busy! Fa-la-la-la-losing our minds! Our family and friends can bring out the best and worst side of ourselves during the holidays. I love my community so this time of year I begin to fantasize about how special every moment will be…but then the...

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Bailey’s Best Books of 2019

Bailey’s Best Books of 2019

2019 was a year for diving into my reading list! I tackled 100 books and rounded up my 5/5 star rated books with you! You can't go wrong with any of these books from a variety of genres. All are linked to Amazon so you can easily purchase a few or save them to a list...

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Not Your Typical Home Tour

Not Your Typical Home Tour

Welcome to our happy place where God's grace and love covers every square inch! Tim and I have been married for almost five years and one of our mutual missions fields is our home. We both saw our home as a shared commodity for God's Kingdom--for the people living...

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Investing in your soul care to serve others

Investing in your soul care to serve others

Hospitality comes in all shapes and sizes, but it requires the same discipline of making daily deposits to our soul care so we can welcome others with generous hearts. When I am empty, I struggle to be a friendly, kind-hearted person. This horrendous, ugly person...

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The Harmful Narratives to Making Friends

The Harmful Narratives to Making Friends

When we get stuck in our friendships, we listen to harmful voices to clarify what went wrong. When I started college in 2009, I had a lot of unspoken expectations for community. I assumed it would be: + like-minded women who thought about their faith exactly like I...

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Five Rules for Healthier “Momlationships”

Five Rules for Healthier “Momlationships”

Thou shall serve other moms. Every mom is struggling in some way. Whether it is getting dinner on the table or shoes on kid’s feet. It is a general rule of thumb that if you see a mom wrestling her child while juggling snack containers, jackets and a diaper bag, that...

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Your Community Does Not Define Your Value

Your Community Does Not Define Your Value

I used to be more confident—unshakeable in my identity in Christ. But then life happened, and the power of people’s perceptions felt stronger than God’s. When God said I was loved, I poured all my energy into being someone I felt my community could love. Even though...

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Holiday Gifts That Give Back Guide 2018

Holiday Gifts That Give Back Guide 2018

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and charity...

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How to Create an Unforgettable Friendsgiving

How to Create an Unforgettable Friendsgiving

Every year, Thanksgiving becomes more difficult for people to travel home to see family. Flight prices increase, jobs give fewer vacation days, and many in our community find themselves choosing to stay in the city during the holiday (even though this year we do get...

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Creating Friendship Habits for Every Season

Creating Friendship Habits for Every Season

IS IT WEIRD TO HAVE FRIENDSHIP HABITS?! Absolutely not! Brainstorming a rhythm for how we will grow as a friend can help give us vision for where we’d like to see our friendships in a month, a year or five years and setting intentional steps to pursue that vision....

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How to Balance Food and Friend Time

How to Balance Food and Friend Time

Food. It's usually an ingredient to time well spent with friends. But how do we balance the plate of brownies with good boundaries? Do you give yourself a pep talk before you go to an event, telling yourself you won’t eat the pizza and stick to the veggie tray? I...

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How to Host a Retreat for Your Small Group

How to Host a Retreat for Your Small Group

Last fall, my small group decided to host our very own women’s retreat. We missed the bond and growth that happens over a retreat experience. One gal stepped up to help me organize everything and it was such a blessing for our entire community and I want to provide...

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How do you engage in friendship as a family?

How do you engage in friendship as a family?

Family friendships are dynamic. That’s the best way I can describe it. It is never easy, your best friend ‘s husband may have totally different interests then your husband and when you add kids into the mix it is extra crazy sauce in the recipe of friendship. Hunter...

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Backyard Rainbow Birthday Brunch

Backyard Rainbow Birthday Brunch

I love my birthday! Growing up, my mom always made them so special, unique and one-of-a kind celebrations. So, the tradition continues. Now, I host my own birthday parties and I love to plan occasions that are a treat for my friends and a celebration of how much they...

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My Best Tips for Hosting Big Gatherings

My Best Tips for Hosting Big Gatherings

It can be really intimidating to host a large number of people. How do you feed them all? How do you make sure everyone is having a good time? I want to know that my guests are having a good time, feel comfortable and walk away chatting about how glad they were that...

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How to Fight Hospitality Fatigue

How to Fight Hospitality Fatigue

Hospitality fatigue is a real thing! My mom often mentions how crazy I am with the amount of people we serve in our home (or outside the home) and I shrug it off thinking “I couldn’t love it more.” But recently, I’ve felt physically and mentally exhausted which means...

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A Tea Party to Foster YOUR Friendships

A Tea Party to Foster YOUR Friendships

Guest post by Mel K. In light of last week's Fostering Friendships Challenge, I wanted to share my personal experience. The challenge couldn't have better timing because it took place just before my annual tea party! The Problem One of the problems I have is that I...

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3 Day #FosteringFriendships Challenge

3 Day #FosteringFriendships Challenge

Summer provides a lot of opportunities to foster our friendships. The warm weather and long nights allow us to gather after work, get outside on the weekends and enjoy time together. But to nourish and encourage the depth we want in our friendships, we will need to be...

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The First Steps to Making New Friends

The First Steps to Making New Friends

So you are new to town or you just started college or maybe you've just decided it is time to step out of your comfort zone and meet your neighbors. At different seasons in our lives, we will have to repeat the steps of making new friends. I wish the process got...

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Do Good Together: May Day Baskets

Do Good Together: May Day Baskets

When I was growing up, we practiced the tradition of leaving May Day Baskets on our neighbors’ porches. It usually consisted of baked goods or flowers, sometimes even paper flowers I had made at school. We would place the basket on the porch with a little “Happy May...

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Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Tim and I are approaching our third year of marriage and we certainly don’t claim to “know-it-all” but we would love to share with you some things that have significantly impacted our relationship and how we communicate life in our home. Preemptively Set Expectations...

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The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

Calling all book worms! It’s one thing to spend time with our friends, it’s another thing to engage with your friends’ minds, ideas and faiths. If you want to take your friendships to a new level (or just have an excuse to get together once a week), consider grabbing...

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What is the Role of Technology in Friendship?

What is the Role of Technology in Friendship?

My husband and I picked up a book called The Tech-Wise Family this winter and began to intentionally set boundaries around our technology use. We still love a good television show and can certainly bond over a funny YouTube video, but we felt like there was this...

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Interview with Author, Melanie Shankle

Interview with Author, Melanie Shankle

Sometimes to encourage our efforts in friendship, we need real examples of women who are cultivating deep, life-long relationships with one another. Author, Melanie Shankle, celebrates her twenty-five-year friendship with her best friend Gulley in her memoir: Nobody’s...

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Friend Date Ideas for the Cold Months

Friend Date Ideas for the Cold Months

Even though we want to hibernate in our homes during the colder months, we need to continue to find ways to connect! Here's five creative, inexpensive, and fun friend dates to try until the warmer months come. Thrifty and Nifty I am a newb to thrifting but some of my...

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Hospitality: Asking Intentional Questions

Hospitality: Asking Intentional Questions

You’ve invited folks over for an evening to reconnect and share a good meal. Before your friends arrive, you are finishing up dinner details, cleaning up the house and selecting the party music. Creating an environment that feels thoughtful, inviting and nourishing is...

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Befriending Your Children

Befriending Your Children

Usually I am writing about building my relationships with friends, but my community also extends to the two people who live inside my home—the ones that truly have to “do life” with me. Perhaps, nurturing these relationships are the most important! Being a first-time...

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How to Host a Fundraising Dinner in Your Home

How to Host a Fundraising Dinner in Your Home

My husband and I share the spiritual gift of hospitality. We love hosting and serving our community by creating a secondary home of belonging, grace, truth and God’s love. Yet, we also feel called to serve the community at large. And so we thought, how could we...

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New Year FRIENDSHIP Resolutions

New Year FRIENDSHIP Resolutions

Nothing ever happens by chance and community is no exception. It's a new year and there are new opportunities to be intentional with your community. Want to see your friendships flourish this year? Want to finally step out of your comfort zone and get vulnerable with...

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Z is for Zion

Z is for Zion

For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. 'This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.  Psalm 132: 13-14 Those who trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. As the mountain...

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X is for…

X is for…

...who are we kidding? I cannot get all spiritual with a word that relates to the letter X. So, instead enjoy this cute picture of a puppy. It will make you feel just as good, if not better, as an inspired blog post #rootedcommunity #puppiesmakelifebetter

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Y is for Your Turn

Y is for Your Turn

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 At the end of every service at our church, the pastor...

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W is for Waging War

W is for Waging War

But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.  2 Thessalonians 3:3 A friend of mine showed up at my door one day needing to talk through some tough things that had been happening in her life. To be honest, I was nervous. I didn’t...

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Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2017

Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2017

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, but they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and...

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V is for Vision Casting

V is for Vision Casting

Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then...I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.  -Philippians 1:27 The first few months after I became a Christian, I wrote down Philippians...

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U is for Unity

U is for Unity

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1 I decided to do something outside my comfort zone in the 7th grade and signed up to play basketball. Nevermind that I didn't even know how to dribble the ball, I thought it sounded new...

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T is for Tears

T is for Tears

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." 1 Corinthians 12:26 When I moved to Denver, I was in a long-distance relationship that I assumed was leading to the alter. I had already made my life plan (in my head and...

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S is for Shared Experience

S is for Shared Experience

But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.   1 Peter 4:13 There’s nothing that bonds people together like sharing life experiences. That’s why team-building retreats exist. I secretly hate...

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R is for Rest

R is for Rest

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he [Jesus] departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. -Mark 1:35 My husband and I struggle with an issue of “The Obligatory Yes.” We genuinely love having people in our home, but it...

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Q is for Quiet Time

Q is for Quiet Time

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.  -2 Timothy 3:16-17 Most Christians have heard of the term “spiritual...

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P is for Prayer

P is for Prayer

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 Do you ever find that at the end of a small group, church gathering, or even just a meal that the obligatory prayer time...

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O is for Ordinary

O is for Ordinary

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with...

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N is for Need

N is for Need

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 I sit down to meet my friend for coffee- a typical Saturday morning catch up and  one of my favorite activities. We laugh, we get serious and we share a little bit of our...

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M is for Mature

M is for Mature

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus...

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L is for Lies

L is for Lies

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly - John 10:10 Just when we think our friendships are going well, the devil comes and steals our joy away. You may not recognize his schemes but the devil is...

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K is for Kiddos

K is for Kiddos

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6 I have now entered a stage in life where a I feel like I’ve grown an extra appendage in the shape of a small child. Most would call this motherhood.  Before I...

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J is for Jimmy and Justin

J is for Jimmy and Justin

At last Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn loyalty to each other in the Lord’s name. The Lord is the witness of a bond between us and our children forever. - 1 Sam. 20:42 NLT. You’ve seen their Camp Winnipesaukee skits, you’ve laughed at their...

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I is for Introduction

I is for Introduction

Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” -Exodus 3:13-14a The nerves were probably not...

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H is for Holiday Homecoming

H is for Holiday Homecoming

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. -Philippians 1:3-5. How do you stay connected to your long-distance friends?...

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G is for Grace

G is for Grace

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ" -Romans 3:23-24 The phone rang and rang. This was the third time this month I was trying to get ahold of her. We had just...

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F is for Faithful

F is for Faithful

Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." -Matthew 16:24 The most popular box checked on any Facebook event we are invited to is “maybe.” The fact that “maybe” even exists on the page is...

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E is for Edifying Words

E is for Edifying Words

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer each person. - Colossians 4:6 Like many stay-at-home moms, I’m also a full-time chef for my family of 3. My two signature dishes, chicken with spaghetti and chicken with other...

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D is for Do Good

D is for Do Good

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. -Hebrews 13:16 As an idealistic college student, I remember the moment when I met “my people”--the 20 somethings who cared about the same causes and had the same grand...

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C is for Cake Day

C is for Cake Day

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. -Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV We all need excuses to spend time...

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B is for Belong

B is for Belong

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends. -John 15:13-15 I...

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A is for Adoration

A is for Adoration

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27 This Thursday night is girls night. I reach out to my friends to see if anyone is available to spend some girl-time together and no response....

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Rooted Community from A to Z

Rooted Community from A to Z

Rooted faith bears fruitful fellowship. I woke up after an incredibly uncomfortable nap on the basement floor. I pushed myself up on my forearms and looked around the room at all the sleepy faces. I closed my eyes and told myself to cast this moment into the walls of...

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Join me on Radiant Podcast, Episode #25

Join me on Radiant Podcast, Episode #25

If you have always wanted a chance to pick my brain about friendship, now you can! As a Radiant columnist, I had the opportunity to talk all things FRIENDSHIP on the Radiant Podcast! Friendship is one of my favorite topics because we each have a unique opportunity to...

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Who are Your “Quiet Times” for?

Who are Your “Quiet Times” for?

Most Christians have heard of the term “spiritual discipline” which usually conjures up thoughts of hours alone meditating on Scripture and praying. Growing up, I had a  Sunday School teacher who would call my house in the middle of the week to ask how my Bible...

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Do Your Friends See the Real You?

Do Your Friends See the Real You?

It was silent for a moment. Then a woman from my small group responded, “That’s why you probably don’t have many friends.” She was frank. To the point.  And a little harsh. The conversation was interrupted by the leader pointing us to the next question. My jaw hung...

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Is It OK to Admit Loneliness?

Is It OK to Admit Loneliness?

“It is when we are most lost that we sometimes find our truest friends.” –Brothers Grimm, Snow White My junior year at college was a mixed bag of lots of good community but, little connection. If you saw me around campus you probably thought: “That girl has it...

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Books that Build Relationships: Nothing to Prove

Books that Build Relationships: Nothing to Prove

Before 10am there are already a list of things telling me I’m not enough. I am behind on laundry, I did not meet a work deadline and I choose to eat a donut rather than avocado toast for breakfast. To turn my insufficiencies around, I try harder. I people please. I...

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Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2016

Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2016

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, but they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and...

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Are You Done Striving?

Are You Done Striving?

After a season of intense striving, I am exhausted. I am physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally drained. And not for the reasons you may assume. As a self-labeled “go-getter” or “girlboss,” I have given into the lie that I have to do whatever it takes to...

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Does Your Instagram Serve Others through Story?

Does Your Instagram Serve Others through Story?

Recently, I took some webinars on Instagram strategies. Sounds crazy and totally a Millennial thing to do…because it is. Yet, we can’t be casual or careless with such a powerful social tool. How do our posts tell a larger story? Who does our Instagram serve? How can...

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Mentorship: Show Them Your Sweat Stains

Mentorship: Show Them Your Sweat Stains

When I began my mentoring relationship in undergrad, I was willing and excited to dive in, but also going through a dark period in my life. The start of my junior year led me to confront a lot of my unmet expectations about community. I thought when I left for college...

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Benefits of Being Grateful

Benefits of Being Grateful

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -1 Thessalonians 5:18 Thanksgiving Day is not the only time of year to express your gratitude. Gratitude is the posture we should reach for when it comes naturally and especially...

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I am Not a Survivor…

I am Not a Survivor…

Now that my firstborn has arrived, I am constantly battling the “need” of being a first time parent. When others offer to help, my first response is to push away and say, “I’ve got this.” If my life were like Survivor (sometimes I like to believe it’s that intense),...

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40 Days of Prayer and Gratitude Challenge

40 Days of Prayer and Gratitude Challenge

I am an incurable challenge seeker. Once, my parents and I embarked on a two-week family vacation where they planned to golf and I, to sit around. I wasn't going to have any of that, so I told them I was going to find myself a job. They doubted me. They thought, in...

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Books that Build Relationships: Breaking Busy

Books that Build Relationships: Breaking Busy

The title alone, Breaking Busy, by Alli Worthington is enough reason for us all to pick up this book and put down whatever tool of distraction we’re using. I’m talking to you Netflix. I have always been a planner and a connector; filling my days with all sorts of...

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Mentorship: Committing to the Process

Mentorship: Committing to the Process

Two weeks before I left my hometown in Kansas for college in California, I met a young college girl named Missy at a summer Christian camp. She attended the University of Kansas and was known for having the gift of immediately befriending people. I had heard about her...

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Aromatic Influence

Aromatic Influence

I hate the moment when I am driving out of my garage, have turned onto the main road headed toward my busy day, and realize I forgot to put deodorant on. If I am not reminded by my mental checklist of morning to-dos, I am quickly reminded a few hours later when I get...

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How to end a friendship respectfully

I knew the friendship had run its course—yet, the shared history and guilt over closing the doors kept me feeling chained to this unhealthy friendship. For years I wanted to sneak out of the friendship quietly but my conscious wouldn’t allow me to just disappear from...

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Reconciling a Friend’s Betrayal

“Oh, you didn’t hear?” “Hear what?” My husband and I asked our then, trusted companion. We were sitting in our living room, crunching on snacks while watching football. We thought it was a normal Saturday afternoon but, later remember it as an ambush. Our friend...

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The Science Behind Coffee Dates

“Let’s grab coffee?” you ask. “I’m more of a tea girl, but absolutely,” I respond. Coffee dates are a tale as old as friendship time. They’re perfect for their casual, treat-inspired friend time. Yet, there is something more going on when we sit down to talk with...

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three guidelines for friendlier mom circles

No matter how long I’ve been a mom, I still get intimidated by new mom circles. Just recently, my oldest started kindergarten and I agreed to attend a new family meetup. This was an opportunity for families to get to know one another before the school year started. It...

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How to prioritize friendship as a mom

A serious conundrum every mom faces –how do I make time for friends, experience quality connection and keep my sanity all at the same time? I know many will say, “invite people into the mess, be flexible with your kiddos, etc,” which are not bad thoughts. But as a mom...

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June 2021 Book Favorites for You

Your June 2021 book recap is... ...filled with a lot of five-star reads. Truly, the good reading keeps on coming this summer. All of these books were binge-read in a couple of days because I could not put them down. Great stories, even better characters. Hope you find...

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How to become a person who brings people together

Many of us are nervous hosts. There are a lot of details to consider when bringing people together for a celebration, a dinner, or “just because” you want to spend time with others. Yet, I think most of our nerves could be settled with one simple truth: Just because...

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May 2021 Book Favorites for You

May 2021 book favorites - I only highlight the best for you 🙂 . You’ll notice a theme of dark mysteries and a fun young adult novel. The Guardians by John Grisham (Mystery/Crime Thriller) This is my first Grisham book, and I will be picking up many more. The...

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April 2021 Book Favorites for You

Recommending books may be my love language! So, I decided to create a monthly blog that recounts some of my favorite books. My hope is that you will find something you can pick up and get lost in. Here is my April 2021 favorite books recap just for you, my fellow book...

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How to walk through a Friendship Breakup

Don’t allow a friendship breakup to catch you off guard. Instead of being surprised—let’s be prepared. Two imperfect people in a relationship breeds conflict and sometimes it gets so big you can’t come back from it. Sometimes boundaries are crossed, and you have to...

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Do best friends exist in adulthood?

As a young girl on the playground, it was a wise decision to name a best friend—you needed someone you could count on to cheer you on as you brave the monkey bars. It was also very fickle. I remember receiving a note when I was out of school sick for a few days from...

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3 signs you may be in a toxic friendship

Friendships are never neutral. Either you are experiencing a friendship that fills you up or leaves you empty. Friends either cheer you on or hold you back. They can point you in the right direction or mislead you down a different path. Have you heard the phrase, "you...

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Bailey’s 25 Best Books of 2020

In 2020, I read 145 books--clearly the quarantine did not slow me down. My goal in 2020 was to read all sorts of genres so you are going to see foodie memoirs, thrillers, and sci-fi epics. You'll also see my favorite Christian nonfiction, romance and detective series...

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How to love your neighbor and not be awkward

My son and I were standing on our neighbor’s porch, waiting for her to answer the door after my son had rung the bell one too many times. We were going to rebuild our garage and needed her to sign off on it so there would be no surprises when a construction truck...

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How to navigate the shame of losing a friend

Could I have done something differently? What if I would have just kept my mouth shut and not shared my criticisms? Did I do something wrong? Why did she just stop answering my messages? Losing a friend, no matter the circumstance, can bring on feelings of shame. I...

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A Friendship Coach in Your Corner

A lot of people struggle to navigate friendship, but you don’t have to. With a Masters in Leadership from Denver Seminary and years of studying/teaching on gospel-centered friendship, I am offering coaching to help you create meaningful and lasting friendship....

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5 Binge-Worthy Audiobooks To Listen to Right Now

Is your library shut down like ours? As an avid book reader, I panicked just a tiny bit! But then I remembered I had so many resources at my fingertips: Free Little Libraries (find your nearest one by clicking) Borrow books from friends Amazon and of course AUDIOBOOKS...

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Three Simple Tips to Avoid the Holiday Stress

'Tis the season to be busy! Fa-la-la-la-losing our minds! Our family and friends can bring out the best and worst side of ourselves during the holidays. I love my community so this time of year I begin to fantasize about how special every moment will be…but then the...

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Bailey’s Best Books of 2019

2019 was a year for diving into my reading list! I tackled 100 books and rounded up my 5/5 star rated books with you! You can't go wrong with any of these books from a variety of genres. All are linked to Amazon so you can easily purchase a few or save them to a list...

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Not Your Typical Home Tour

Welcome to our happy place where God's grace and love covers every square inch! Tim and I have been married for almost five years and one of our mutual missions fields is our home. We both saw our home as a shared commodity for God's Kingdom--for the people living...

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Investing in your soul care to serve others

Hospitality comes in all shapes and sizes, but it requires the same discipline of making daily deposits to our soul care so we can welcome others with generous hearts. When I am empty, I struggle to be a friendly, kind-hearted person. This horrendous, ugly person...

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The Harmful Narratives to Making Friends

When we get stuck in our friendships, we listen to harmful voices to clarify what went wrong. When I started college in 2009, I had a lot of unspoken expectations for community. I assumed it would be: + like-minded women who thought about their faith exactly like I...

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Five Rules for Healthier “Momlationships”

Thou shall serve other moms. Every mom is struggling in some way. Whether it is getting dinner on the table or shoes on kid’s feet. It is a general rule of thumb that if you see a mom wrestling her child while juggling snack containers, jackets and a diaper bag, that...

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Your Community Does Not Define Your Value

I used to be more confident—unshakeable in my identity in Christ. But then life happened, and the power of people’s perceptions felt stronger than God’s. When God said I was loved, I poured all my energy into being someone I felt my community could love. Even though...

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Holiday Gifts That Give Back Guide 2018

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and charity...

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How to Create an Unforgettable Friendsgiving

Every year, Thanksgiving becomes more difficult for people to travel home to see family. Flight prices increase, jobs give fewer vacation days, and many in our community find themselves choosing to stay in the city during the holiday (even though this year we do get...

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Creating Friendship Habits for Every Season

IS IT WEIRD TO HAVE FRIENDSHIP HABITS?! Absolutely not! Brainstorming a rhythm for how we will grow as a friend can help give us vision for where we’d like to see our friendships in a month, a year or five years and setting intentional steps to pursue that vision....

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How to Balance Food and Friend Time

Food. It's usually an ingredient to time well spent with friends. But how do we balance the plate of brownies with good boundaries? Do you give yourself a pep talk before you go to an event, telling yourself you won’t eat the pizza and stick to the veggie tray? I...

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How to Host a Retreat for Your Small Group

Last fall, my small group decided to host our very own women’s retreat. We missed the bond and growth that happens over a retreat experience. One gal stepped up to help me organize everything and it was such a blessing for our entire community and I want to provide...

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How do you engage in friendship as a family?

Family friendships are dynamic. That’s the best way I can describe it. It is never easy, your best friend ‘s husband may have totally different interests then your husband and when you add kids into the mix it is extra crazy sauce in the recipe of friendship. Hunter...

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Backyard Rainbow Birthday Brunch

I love my birthday! Growing up, my mom always made them so special, unique and one-of-a kind celebrations. So, the tradition continues. Now, I host my own birthday parties and I love to plan occasions that are a treat for my friends and a celebration of how much they...

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My Best Tips for Hosting Big Gatherings

It can be really intimidating to host a large number of people. How do you feed them all? How do you make sure everyone is having a good time? I want to know that my guests are having a good time, feel comfortable and walk away chatting about how glad they were that...

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How to Fight Hospitality Fatigue

Hospitality fatigue is a real thing! My mom often mentions how crazy I am with the amount of people we serve in our home (or outside the home) and I shrug it off thinking “I couldn’t love it more.” But recently, I’ve felt physically and mentally exhausted which means...

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A Tea Party to Foster YOUR Friendships

Guest post by Mel K. In light of last week's Fostering Friendships Challenge, I wanted to share my personal experience. The challenge couldn't have better timing because it took place just before my annual tea party! The Problem One of the problems I have is that I...

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3 Day #FosteringFriendships Challenge

Summer provides a lot of opportunities to foster our friendships. The warm weather and long nights allow us to gather after work, get outside on the weekends and enjoy time together. But to nourish and encourage the depth we want in our friendships, we will need to be...

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The First Steps to Making New Friends

So you are new to town or you just started college or maybe you've just decided it is time to step out of your comfort zone and meet your neighbors. At different seasons in our lives, we will have to repeat the steps of making new friends. I wish the process got...

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Do Good Together: May Day Baskets

When I was growing up, we practiced the tradition of leaving May Day Baskets on our neighbors’ porches. It usually consisted of baked goods or flowers, sometimes even paper flowers I had made at school. We would place the basket on the porch with a little “Happy May...

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Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Tim and I are approaching our third year of marriage and we certainly don’t claim to “know-it-all” but we would love to share with you some things that have significantly impacted our relationship and how we communicate life in our home. Preemptively Set Expectations...

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The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

Calling all book worms! It’s one thing to spend time with our friends, it’s another thing to engage with your friends’ minds, ideas and faiths. If you want to take your friendships to a new level (or just have an excuse to get together once a week), consider grabbing...

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What is the Role of Technology in Friendship?

My husband and I picked up a book called The Tech-Wise Family this winter and began to intentionally set boundaries around our technology use. We still love a good television show and can certainly bond over a funny YouTube video, but we felt like there was this...

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Interview with Author, Melanie Shankle

Sometimes to encourage our efforts in friendship, we need real examples of women who are cultivating deep, life-long relationships with one another. Author, Melanie Shankle, celebrates her twenty-five-year friendship with her best friend Gulley in her memoir: Nobody’s...

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Friend Date Ideas for the Cold Months

Even though we want to hibernate in our homes during the colder months, we need to continue to find ways to connect! Here's five creative, inexpensive, and fun friend dates to try until the warmer months come. Thrifty and Nifty I am a newb to thrifting but some of my...

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Hospitality: Asking Intentional Questions

You’ve invited folks over for an evening to reconnect and share a good meal. Before your friends arrive, you are finishing up dinner details, cleaning up the house and selecting the party music. Creating an environment that feels thoughtful, inviting and nourishing is...

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Befriending Your Children

Usually I am writing about building my relationships with friends, but my community also extends to the two people who live inside my home—the ones that truly have to “do life” with me. Perhaps, nurturing these relationships are the most important! Being a first-time...

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How to Host a Fundraising Dinner in Your Home

My husband and I share the spiritual gift of hospitality. We love hosting and serving our community by creating a secondary home of belonging, grace, truth and God’s love. Yet, we also feel called to serve the community at large. And so we thought, how could we...

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New Year FRIENDSHIP Resolutions

Nothing ever happens by chance and community is no exception. It's a new year and there are new opportunities to be intentional with your community. Want to see your friendships flourish this year? Want to finally step out of your comfort zone and get vulnerable with...

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Z is for Zion

For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. 'This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.  Psalm 132: 13-14 Those who trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. As the mountain...

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X is for…

...who are we kidding? I cannot get all spiritual with a word that relates to the letter X. So, instead enjoy this cute picture of a puppy. It will make you feel just as good, if not better, as an inspired blog post #rootedcommunity #puppiesmakelifebetter

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Y is for Your Turn

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 At the end of every service at our church, the pastor...

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W is for Waging War

But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.  2 Thessalonians 3:3 A friend of mine showed up at my door one day needing to talk through some tough things that had been happening in her life. To be honest, I was nervous. I didn’t...

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Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2017

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, but they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and...

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V is for Vision Casting

Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then...I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.  -Philippians 1:27 The first few months after I became a Christian, I wrote down Philippians...

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U is for Unity

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1 I decided to do something outside my comfort zone in the 7th grade and signed up to play basketball. Nevermind that I didn't even know how to dribble the ball, I thought it sounded new...

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T is for Tears

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." 1 Corinthians 12:26 When I moved to Denver, I was in a long-distance relationship that I assumed was leading to the alter. I had already made my life plan (in my head and...

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S is for Shared Experience

But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.   1 Peter 4:13 There’s nothing that bonds people together like sharing life experiences. That’s why team-building retreats exist. I secretly hate...

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R is for Rest

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he [Jesus] departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. -Mark 1:35 My husband and I struggle with an issue of “The Obligatory Yes.” We genuinely love having people in our home, but it...

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Q is for Quiet Time

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.  -2 Timothy 3:16-17 Most Christians have heard of the term “spiritual...

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P is for Prayer

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 Do you ever find that at the end of a small group, church gathering, or even just a meal that the obligatory prayer time...

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O is for Ordinary

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with...

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N is for Need

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 I sit down to meet my friend for coffee- a typical Saturday morning catch up and  one of my favorite activities. We laugh, we get serious and we share a little bit of our...

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M is for Mature

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus...

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L is for Lies

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly - John 10:10 Just when we think our friendships are going well, the devil comes and steals our joy away. You may not recognize his schemes but the devil is...

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K is for Kiddos

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6 I have now entered a stage in life where a I feel like I’ve grown an extra appendage in the shape of a small child. Most would call this motherhood.  Before I...

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J is for Jimmy and Justin

At last Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn loyalty to each other in the Lord’s name. The Lord is the witness of a bond between us and our children forever. - 1 Sam. 20:42 NLT. You’ve seen their Camp Winnipesaukee skits, you’ve laughed at their...

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I is for Introduction

Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” -Exodus 3:13-14a The nerves were probably not...

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H is for Holiday Homecoming

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. -Philippians 1:3-5. How do you stay connected to your long-distance friends?...

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G is for Grace

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ" -Romans 3:23-24 The phone rang and rang. This was the third time this month I was trying to get ahold of her. We had just...

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F is for Faithful

Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." -Matthew 16:24 The most popular box checked on any Facebook event we are invited to is “maybe.” The fact that “maybe” even exists on the page is...

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E is for Edifying Words

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer each person. - Colossians 4:6 Like many stay-at-home moms, I’m also a full-time chef for my family of 3. My two signature dishes, chicken with spaghetti and chicken with other...

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D is for Do Good

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. -Hebrews 13:16 As an idealistic college student, I remember the moment when I met “my people”--the 20 somethings who cared about the same causes and had the same grand...

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C is for Cake Day

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. -Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV We all need excuses to spend time...

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B is for Belong

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends. -John 15:13-15 I...

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A is for Adoration

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27 This Thursday night is girls night. I reach out to my friends to see if anyone is available to spend some girl-time together and no response....

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Rooted Community from A to Z

Rooted faith bears fruitful fellowship. I woke up after an incredibly uncomfortable nap on the basement floor. I pushed myself up on my forearms and looked around the room at all the sleepy faces. I closed my eyes and told myself to cast this moment into the walls of...

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Join me on Radiant Podcast, Episode #25

If you have always wanted a chance to pick my brain about friendship, now you can! As a Radiant columnist, I had the opportunity to talk all things FRIENDSHIP on the Radiant Podcast! Friendship is one of my favorite topics because we each have a unique opportunity to...

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Who are Your “Quiet Times” for?

Most Christians have heard of the term “spiritual discipline” which usually conjures up thoughts of hours alone meditating on Scripture and praying. Growing up, I had a  Sunday School teacher who would call my house in the middle of the week to ask how my Bible...

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Do Your Friends See the Real You?

It was silent for a moment. Then a woman from my small group responded, “That’s why you probably don’t have many friends.” She was frank. To the point.  And a little harsh. The conversation was interrupted by the leader pointing us to the next question. My jaw hung...

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Is It OK to Admit Loneliness?

“It is when we are most lost that we sometimes find our truest friends.” –Brothers Grimm, Snow White My junior year at college was a mixed bag of lots of good community but, little connection. If you saw me around campus you probably thought: “That girl has it...

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Books that Build Relationships: Nothing to Prove

Before 10am there are already a list of things telling me I’m not enough. I am behind on laundry, I did not meet a work deadline and I choose to eat a donut rather than avocado toast for breakfast. To turn my insufficiencies around, I try harder. I people please. I...

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Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2016

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, but they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and...

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Are You Done Striving?

After a season of intense striving, I am exhausted. I am physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally drained. And not for the reasons you may assume. As a self-labeled “go-getter” or “girlboss,” I have given into the lie that I have to do whatever it takes to...

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Does Your Instagram Serve Others through Story?

Recently, I took some webinars on Instagram strategies. Sounds crazy and totally a Millennial thing to do…because it is. Yet, we can’t be casual or careless with such a powerful social tool. How do our posts tell a larger story? Who does our Instagram serve? How can...

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Mentorship: Show Them Your Sweat Stains

When I began my mentoring relationship in undergrad, I was willing and excited to dive in, but also going through a dark period in my life. The start of my junior year led me to confront a lot of my unmet expectations about community. I thought when I left for college...

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Benefits of Being Grateful

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -1 Thessalonians 5:18 Thanksgiving Day is not the only time of year to express your gratitude. Gratitude is the posture we should reach for when it comes naturally and especially...

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I am Not a Survivor…

Now that my firstborn has arrived, I am constantly battling the “need” of being a first time parent. When others offer to help, my first response is to push away and say, “I’ve got this.” If my life were like Survivor (sometimes I like to believe it’s that intense),...

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40 Days of Prayer and Gratitude Challenge

I am an incurable challenge seeker. Once, my parents and I embarked on a two-week family vacation where they planned to golf and I, to sit around. I wasn't going to have any of that, so I told them I was going to find myself a job. They doubted me. They thought, in...

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Books that Build Relationships: Breaking Busy

The title alone, Breaking Busy, by Alli Worthington is enough reason for us all to pick up this book and put down whatever tool of distraction we’re using. I’m talking to you Netflix. I have always been a planner and a connector; filling my days with all sorts of...

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Mentorship: Committing to the Process

Two weeks before I left my hometown in Kansas for college in California, I met a young college girl named Missy at a summer Christian camp. She attended the University of Kansas and was known for having the gift of immediately befriending people. I had heard about her...

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Aromatic Influence

I hate the moment when I am driving out of my garage, have turned onto the main road headed toward my busy day, and realize I forgot to put deodorant on. If I am not reminded by my mental checklist of morning to-dos, I am quickly reminded a few hours later when I get...

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