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Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Five Ways to Create a Rooted Marriage

Tim and I are approaching our third year of marriage and we certainly don’t claim to “know-it-all” but we would love to share with you some things that have significantly impacted our relationship and how we communicate life in our home. Preemptively Set Expectations...
The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

The Best Book List for Your Faith-Based Book Club

Calling all book worms! It’s one thing to spend time with our friends, it’s another thing to engage with your friends’ minds, ideas and faiths. If you want to take your friendships to a new level (or just have an excuse to get together once a week), consider grabbing...
What is the Role of Technology in Friendship?

What is the Role of Technology in Friendship?

My husband and I picked up a book called The Tech-Wise Family this winter and began to intentionally set boundaries around our technology use. We still love a good television show and can certainly bond over a funny YouTube video, but we felt like there was this...
Interview with Author, Melanie Shankle

Interview with Author, Melanie Shankle

Sometimes to encourage our efforts in friendship, we need real examples of women who are cultivating deep, life-long relationships with one another. Author, Melanie Shankle, celebrates her twenty-five-year friendship with her best friend Gulley in her memoir: Nobody’s...
Friend Date Ideas for the Cold Months

Friend Date Ideas for the Cold Months

Even though we want to hibernate in our homes during the colder months, we need to continue to find ways to connect! Here’s five creative, inexpensive, and fun friend dates to try until the warmer months come. Thrifty and Nifty I am a newb to thrifting but some...
Hospitality: Asking Intentional Questions

Hospitality: Asking Intentional Questions

You’ve invited folks over for an evening to reconnect and share a good meal. Before your friends arrive, you are finishing up dinner details, cleaning up the house and selecting the party music. Creating an environment that feels thoughtful, inviting and nourishing is...
Befriending Your Children

Befriending Your Children

Usually I am writing about building my relationships with friends, but my community also extends to the two people who live inside my home—the ones that truly have to “do life” with me. Perhaps, nurturing these relationships are the most important! Being a first-time...
How to Host a Fundraising Dinner in Your Home

How to Host a Fundraising Dinner in Your Home

My husband and I share the spiritual gift of hospitality. We love hosting and serving our community by creating a secondary home of belonging, grace, truth and God’s love. Yet, we also feel called to serve the community at large. And so we thought, how could we...