bailey hurley Goodness:

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J is for Jimmy and Justin

J is for Jimmy and Justin

At last Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn loyalty to each other in the Lord’s name. The Lord is the witness of a bond between us and our children forever. – 1 Sam. 20:42 NLT. You’ve seen their Camp Winnipesaukee skits, you’ve laughed at...
I is for Introduction

I is for Introduction

Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” -Exodus 3:13-14a The nerves were probably not...
Do Your Friends See the Real You?

Do Your Friends See the Real You?

It was silent for a moment. Then a woman from my small group responded, “That’s why you probably don’t have many friends.” She was frank. To the point.  And a little harsh. The conversation was interrupted by the leader pointing us to the next question. My jaw hung...
Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2016

Holiday “Gifts that Give Back” Guide 2016

This holiday season, purchase with a purpose by giving gifts that give back. Not only do the following companies make incredible products that will charm your family and friends, but they also support a variety of different causes. May your gifts inspire cheer and...
Does Your Instagram Serve Others through Story?

Does Your Instagram Serve Others through Story?

Recently, I took some webinars on Instagram strategies. Sounds crazy and totally a Millennial thing to do…because it is. Yet, we can’t be casual or careless with such a powerful social tool. How do our posts tell a larger story? Who does our Instagram serve? How can...

What Happens When You Pray and Give Thanks for 40 Days?

During the 40 Days of Prayer and Gratitude Challenge, I intentionally asked some women to be a part of a leadership team with me. These women approached the challenge with great energy by leading groups, encouraging friends, and opening themselves to what God could do...